Hello, Jazz Power Friend.
During this challenging and terrible time of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past few months, your support is having a very special impact now.
With your help, we quickly transitioned our services, launching our youth and community programs online as JazzPowerON, starting in March. Your contribution helps us to provide virtually all our ongoing group classes and private lessons in jazz and blues voice, dance and theatre arts, to New York City youth at no cost to families and students. Our Northern Manhattan community in Inwood, Washington Heights and Harlem is known as one of the hardest hit by COVID-19, and it is particularly meaningful during this time to continue engaging the young people we serve every week.
For our general audiences, we presented our first live-streaming community event in April, Latin JazzPowerON, celebrating the performance artistry and personal stories of professional musicians in our community, reaching over 3000 viewers. We held our second virtual community event on June 14th, Charlie Parker 100: JazzPowerON, featuring veteran saxophonist Knoel Scott. Both are available at our YouTube channel (Jazz Power Initiative) and our Facebook page (fb.com/jazzpowerinitiative/live).
For artists and educators, we are offering in July our sixth annual Jazz Power Institute, in collaboration again with Lehman College in the Bronx. We are providing online workshops for group and individual sessions, with a special focus on supporting educators who are meeting the daily challenges of long-distance learning for their students.
Since its beginning in 2003, Jazz Power Initiative (formerly The Jazz Drama Program) has published and recorded three jazz musicals for young performers, and has worked with 3650 youth, 685 educators, and 120 seniors in the United States and abroad, with total live audiences of over 40,000, and thousands more online.
Your donation helps us to continue bringing together our diverse audiences, students, seniors, artists and educators. Thank you for keeping the Jazz Power ON!
Eli Yamin
Managing Director