Author: Janny Gonzalez

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Jazz Power Youth Master Class with Eli Yamin and Mickey Davidson featuring special guest @United Palace Feb-20

Jazz Power Initiative invites students ages 10-17 to its Jazz Power Youth Master Class at United Palace Cultural Theatre, Thursday, February 20th 2019, 4:30-7:00pm Led by master teachers Eli Yamin

Intergenerational Jazz Jam Session feat. Charenee Wade @National Jazz Museum in Harlem, Sunday, Mar-08

Jazz Power Initiative and National Jazz Museum in Harlem presents Intergenerational Jazz Jam featuring Charenee Wade. Sunday, March 8, 2-5pm Co-hosted by Eli Yamin and special guest: Charenee Wade, with

Jazz Power Youth Master Class with Eli Yamin and Mickey Davidson featuring special guest @United Palace Mar-19

Jazz Power Initiative invites students ages 10-17 to its Jazz Power Youth Master Class at United Palace Cultural Theatre, Thursday, March 19th 2019, 4:30-7:00pm Led by master teachers Eli Yamin

Jazz Power Initiative Celebrates 100 Years of “Bird” with Intergenerational Jazz Jam co-hosted by saxophonist Knoel Scott and pianist Eli Yamin

Our newest Jam will be held on Sunday, February 9th, 2020 from 2-5pm with a celebration of 100 years of Charlie “Yardbird” Parker, in honor of the centennial year of his birth.

Intergenerational Jazz Jam Session feat. Ray Anderson @National Jazz Museum in Harlem, Jan-12

Jazz Power Initiative and National Jazz Museum in Harlem presents Intergenerational Jazz Jam featuring Ray Anderson. Sunday, January 12, 2-5pm Co-hosted by Eli Yamin and special guest: Ray Anderson, trombone

Jazz Power Youth Master Class with Eli Yamin and Mickey Davidson featuring Charenee Wade @United Palace Jan-16

Jazz Power Initiative invites students ages 10-17 to its Jazz Power Youth Master Class at United Palace Cultural Theatre, Thursday, January 16th 2019, 4:30-7:00pm Led by master teachers Eli Yamin

LAST CHANCE Registration Open for 2020 Jazz Power Youth Master Classes

Students who successfully complete at least one Jazz Power Master Class are eligible to apply for a full scholarship for 12-week Jazz Power Youth training program…

Intergenerational Jazz Jam Session with Jazz Power Swingtet feat. Mickey D and Friends, Swing Dance Party @National Jazz Museum in Harlem, Dec-8

Jazz Power Initiative and National Jazz Museum in Harlem presents Intergenerational Jazz Jam with Jazz Power Swingtet featuring Mickey D and Friends, Swing Dance Party. Sunday, December 8, 2-5pm Led

Intergenerational Jazz Jam Session feat. Claire Daly @National Jazz Museum in Harlem Sep-08

Jazz Power Initiative and National Jazz Museum in Harlem present our next Intergenerational Jazz Jam. Co-led by Eli Yamin and special guest, baritone saxophonist Claire Daly. With Jennifer Vincent, bass; James

Syncopated Leadership Workshop@ Jazz at Lincoln Center, Sep-12

Syncopated Leadership Workshop: A professional development workshop at JALC A step-by-step transformational process where participants gain new perspectives on effective management and how to unleash the talent and creativity of